I'm a developer and I design, write, test and deploy web sites and applications made from scratch with Python
Python is my core programming language for backend logic implementation and my primary tool is the open-source framework Django, which allows to develop both straightforward projects and feature-rich web applications. At the heart of my backend data management lies PostgreSQL, a relational database system natively supported by Django.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the fundamental languages to structure and style content. To create user-friendly interfaces across various devices I usually employ Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS. The choice of technologies for front end management depends greatly on the type of project: I'm currently working on a web application with SvelteKit framework to manage site frontend.
In the process of developing websites and web applications, I use Visual Studio Code as a code editor and Git as a version control system. In addition to my development toolkit, I have experience in SEO and I take into account best practices to optimize site positioning in search engine results pages.
To deploy and publish a website I usually rely on Digital Ocean's services and use their virtual private servers for my web applications. I also employ Docker when specific containerization is required. On production I usually use Gunicorn as Python WSGI HTTP Server and Nginx as web server.
For software development beyond web applications, Python is still my primary language. For the creation of user interfaces for desktop applications, I have used Kivy, Tkinter and PyQt, and I am always learning to implement whatever technology or library may be functional to the project. My passion for coding comes from video games, so in my free time I also dedicate myself to their development with Python and its Arcade and PyGame libraries.